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Setting Up WinbackEngine
Setting Up WinbackEngine

Tap into Stay AI's revolutionary feature, WinbackEngine, to eliminate the guessing game of post-cancellation win-back communication!

Ashley Kim avatar
Written by Ashley Kim
Updated over a week ago

WinbackEngine is a machine learning-backed AI tool that helps you communicate with your canceled subscribers at the optimal time, eliminating manual A/B testing or guesswork.

Before Setting Up WinbackEngine

First things first! Please make sure that you have set up your Klaviyo x Stay integration. For instructions and details, please see this help article.

Getting Started with WinbackEngine

Once you have successfully set up Stay's Klaviyo integration, you're ready to get started with WinbackEngine. The first part of setting up the WinbackEngine is a quick and easy set of clicks in the Stay AI merchant portal.

1. Open Stay AI from your Shopify store.

2. Navigate to the Optimization section of the app.

3. Click WinbackEngine.

3. In the provided fields, set a range of time delays.

This will be the starting point for our machine-learning model to test and hone in on the optimal time delay within your set range.

Important Tip!

Based on your store's reactivation data, default inputs will be provided for the two required time delays.

If you are a newly migrated store, please ensure you set your own time delay range, overriding any default values.

4. Click the Enable WinbackEngine toggle switch.

5. Click Save.


You must click Save for the Retextion - Winback Ready metric to populate in your Klaviyo account automatically. You can click Save from either the enabled or disabled state, to populate the metric in Klaviyo, if you are not ready to enable the engine.

Once you click Save, you should see the metric Retextion - Winback Ready in your Klaviyo account under Analytics > Metrics. It should also be available as an API metric to use as a flow trigger.

You've now completed the in-app set-up of the WinbackEngine. You're now ready to create your Winback flow in your Klaviyo account.

Creating the Winback Flow in Klaviyo

To create the Winback flow in your Klaviyo account, you have two options: use Stay's premade winback flow template or create the winback flow yourself.

1. If you use the pre-created Winback flow template, your CSM or OM can copy it into your Klaviyo account from Stay's Klaviyo account.


If you choose this option, please grant your CSM or OM manager-level access to your Klaviyo account.

2. Create the Winback Flow yourself using the metric Retextion - Winback Ready as the flow trigger.


You must use the Reactivation quick action made specifically for Winback in Stay AI's URL Builder. This can be found in the Stay AI merchant portal under Tools > URL Builder.

When you select Reactivate Subscription or Reactivate Subscription and Apply Discount, you will be prompted to click the checkbox next to Winback under Required Information. This will allow our system to track and attribute reactivations to the WinbackEngine so you can measure its effectiveness and success.

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You can add person filters to the flow to ensure that the user entering the Winback flow is a true canceled subscriber with zero active subscriptions.

  • Properties about someone > Shopify Tags contain Inactive Subscriber


  • Properties about someone > stay_Inactive is true

These person filters are already in the pre-created Stay Winback flow, should you choose option 1.

Next Steps

If you need more information on creating Klaviyo flows using Stay AI metrics, please follow the documentation outlined here.

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