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Setting Up Digital Punch Cards
Setting Up Digital Punch Cards

Tap in to Stay AI's first-to-market feature, Digital Punch Cards, and provide your subscribers with rewards that pack a punch!

Karin Brashears avatar
Written by Karin Brashears
Updated over 5 months ago

Digital Punch Card is Stay's no-code solution designed with your retention goals in mind. Digital Punch Cards are built so anyone on your team can set it up.

With Digital Punch Cards, you can reward your customers for their brand loyalty with varying incentives, all in the recognizable and nostalgic punch card format.

Learn more about why we created digital punch cards here!

Getting Started With Punch Card Settings

  1. Navigate to the Tools section of the Stay AI merchant portal.

  2. Select Digital Punch Card.

  3. Set your Minimum Order Value Towards Punch.

    1. This value will determine the lowest cost of an order that will earn a punch.

What is the "Minimum Order Value Per Punch"?

This determines what minimum order value your customers must reach to earn a punch for their order. We suggest using Stay AI's Executive Summary Dashboard to determine your subscription average order value and using that value as a baseline to determine your minimum order value (the value that earns a punch).

For example, if your minimum order value per punch is $10, and a customer places a $5 order, the customer will not receive a punch for that order. If they add a product, making their order $11, they will receive a punch for that order.

4. If applicable, check the Allow Multiple Punches Per Order checkbox.

What does enabling "Allow Multiple Punches Per Order" do?

Enabling this setting will allow for multiple increments of what you have set as your minimum order value per punch to earn multiple punches.

For example, if the minimum order value is set to $5, and the allow multiple punches per order setting is enabled, a $25 order will earn 5 punches. If this setting is not enabled, any order meeting the minimum threshold will earn a single punch.

5. Determine the Total Number of Punches.

This dictates the total number of punches displayed on the punch card. If multiple incentives are selected, this dictates the number of punches allocated between your incentives. If you have one incentive, this dictates the number of punches allocated to earn your single incentive.

6. Determine the Total Number of Incentives

By default, this number will be set to 1. However, you can set anywhere from 1-5 incentives to be allocated throughout your punch card. As you increase this number, additional setting selections are displayed on the page.

It is now time to configure your Incentives! You can set a few incentive options within your punch card.

  • Free Order: This will generate a discount code for use on an upcoming order, up to a maximum value.

  • Discounted Order: This will generate a discount code for use on an upcoming order of X% off of the total order value.

  • Free Product: This will allow customers to apply the selected free product on an upcoming order.

For each incentive, there are a few settings to consider.

  • Punches Completed to Earn Incentive: Set this to the number of orders, or minimum order value increments, that need to be completed prior to receiving a reward. For instance, if this number is set to "2" and you do not have "Allow multiple punches per order" enabled, your customers will receive a reward to apply once their second order is co

  • Reward: This can be set to either an Order or Product.

  • Reward Type: For "Orders," this reward type can be set to "Discounted" or "Free." For Product, this reward type will be set to "Free".

  • Maximum Value: This determines the value of the discount code that can be applied as your reward.

    • Maximum Value for your Free Order: This dictates the maximum order value you will cover for customers. The customer will cover any order value that exceeds this maximum amount.

    • Maximum Value for your Discounted Order: This dictates the % discount you will cover for customers.

How Should I Set My "Maximum Value"?

Similar to determining your Minimum Order Value Per Punch, we suggest navigating to Stay AI's Executive Summary Dashboard and determining your Average Order Value across your Subscription Cart. This gives a baseline of the average value your subscribers are sending on a per-order basis. When setting your Maximum Value, you can then use this value to determine comfortability.

  • Product Selection: This will be the product/specific variant applied as an award for your customers.

7. Set your Punch Card to Active by clicking the toggle switch.

8. Click Save.

What happens if I "Save" without setting my Punch Card "Active"?

When you return to the setup page, we will save your settings so that those configurations will still be available. However, we will not track your customers' punches until the punch card is set to "Active."

Next Steps: Your Punch Card settings are now saved and active! The next step is to ensure your customers can see their punch card in their customer portal.

Enable the Punch Card in the Customer Portal

After you set up your Digital Punch Card, Let's ensure your punch card matches your branding and get this experience live for your customers.

  1. Click Customize Portal in the left navigation panel in the Stay AI Merchant Portal.

  2. Click the Punch Card section to expand the drop-down menu.

  3. Configure the settings for the Punch Card Background, Text Color, Icon Color, and Icon Background.

    1. Note that your selections will be visible in the preview to ensure your punch card is precisely to your liking.

  4. Select your Icons. By default, your punch icon will be a star, and your reward icon will be a gift. However, you can choose your desired punch and gift icons from the list of provided icons accordingly!

  5. Click Submit.

Your Punch Card is now visible on the Customer Portal!

Will My Subscribers Receive Punches for Historical Orders?

The short answer to this is no. Your customers will have a newly generated punch card, and will receive their first punch after the first successful order is placed after you have enabled your punch card settings.

Customizing the Reward Email

In order to ensure customers receive the reward that you have enabled for them, we have created a default email template that will be sent to the user if, for whatever reason, their punch card reward cannot be applied to the selected subscription.

Customizing this email template

  1. Navigate to the Email section of the Stay AI Merchant Portal

  2. Insert your block/CSS/HTML customization as outlined.

  3. Once the template fits your desired look and feel, toggle the Punch Card Reward email to "on"

Customer Experience

Your customers will now have access to a first-to-market digital punch card. Here, they will experience a gamified subscription experience, as well as motivation to continue purchasing behavior to reach an end goal.

On the digital punch card, your customers will see the following by default:

  • How many punches are required to earn an incentive

  • What their minimum order value is

  • Issued Date: the date the punch card was created for the user

  • How many punches they have filled and outstanding

As customers earn punches, they will see their progress tracked, and the default content will dynamically alert the user to the # of punches remaining to earn a reward.

Earning a Reward

Once a customer has earned a reward, they will see a Redeem Reward option on the top of their punch card. The customer can click that callout, and will be taken to a selection view where they can pick which subscription they want the "free order" to be applied.

We will attempt to apply the reward to the selected subscription. If there are any issues, the customer will receive an email with the discount code outlined so they can apply it to future one-time or subscription orders.

How Do The Discounts Work?

Stay AI uses Shopify Discount codes to generate a code up to the maximum value set in your Punch Card settings.

Punch Card rewards will be generated as Subscription or One-Time discount codes limited to a singular use for the subscriber. Once the customer uses the discount code, it is no longer valid.

Completing a Punch Card

Your Digital Punch Card should be viewed as a long-term part of your subscription retention strategy. Because of that, once a punch card is completed, customers will restart a new punch card on their following successful order.

This ensures your customers will continue looking towards exciting rewards throughout their entire lifecycle!

Experience Engine and Punch Cards

We highly suggest running A/B tests using our ExperienceEngine promotion builder. This will provide concrete data to determine which products and promotions drive retention in order to create your most effective Digital Punch Card experience possible.

Configuring Digital Punch Card Klaviyo Events

Merchants with Digital Punch Cards access can utilize the Retextion - Punch Earned, Retextion - Award Earned, and Retextion -Award Redeemed events to create Klaviyo flows for when a customer earns a punch, earns a reward, or redeems a reward.

This enables you to tailor specific customer communications for each step of the subscriber's punch card experience.

  • Retextion - Punch Earned - This metric triggers when a customer earns 1+ punch on their punch card.

    • Additional properties passed with this event:

      • punch_card_date_earned: Date and time that the punch was earned

      • punch_card_issued_date: Date and time that the active punch card was issued to the customer

      • punch_card_punch_number: Last punch issued on the active punch card

      • punch_card_remaining_punches: Remaining punches on the active punch card until the most upcoming reward

      • punch_card_upcoming_reward: Details for the upcoming reward (Free product, discounted order or free order details)

  • Retextion - Award Earned - This metric triggers when a customer earns an award on their punch card

    • Additional properties passed with this event:

      • punch_card_reward_earned: Type of the reward that was earned (Free product, discounted order, free order)

      • punch_card_reward_earned_value: Details of the earned reward (Product/variant information, or discounted/free order details)

  • Retextion - Award Redeemed - This metric triggers when a customer applies an award to their subscription order

    • Additional properties passed with this event:

      • punch_card_reward_redeemed:Type of the reward that was redeemed (Free product, discounted order, free order)

      • punch_card_reward_redeemed_discount_code: Details of the redeemed reward (Product/variant information, or discounted/free order details)

      • punch_card_reward_redeemed_value: Details of the redeemed reward (Product/variant information, or the discount code that was issued)

And just like that, you have a native, no-code solution to continuously drive retention for your subscribers, coupled with rewards that pack a real punch!

Please go here to sign up for our Beta test! Questions? Please reach out to your customer support representative.

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