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Churn Reporting Data Definitions
Churn Reporting Data Definitions

The Churn Reporting Dashboard has some amazing analytics to help you make valuable and data driven decisions - let's start with definitions!

Karin Brashears avatar
Written by Karin Brashears
Updated over a week ago

Overall Definitions:

The data below is not reflective of shipping and taxes. Subscriber status is pulled at the end of the day - so if a customer begins and cancels a subscription within the same day, data will point to the customer’s final “Canceled” status.

Cohort Month: The month where the data set shares a commonality.

Subscriber: A customer who has or had an active subscription.

New Subscribers: Customers who have created their first subscription within the allocated time period.

New Subscription Revenue: Revenue generated from the subscriptions created by customers who created their first subscription within the month. This value includes discounts, and is minus shipping and tax.

Months Since First Subscription Order: 0 indicates the month in which the customers' first subscription was created. 1 indicates the first month since the customer’s first subscription was created, etc.

Cohort Comparison Tooltip

Use this graph to compare the following metrics across monthly cohorts.

Applied Category: The selected metrics that are being visually compared. The left selected category will display in pink, and the right selected category will display in purple.

First subscription at: This outlines the monthly cohort. This is when customers started their first subscription.

New Subscribers: Customers who have created their first subscription within the allocated time period.

New Subscription Revenue: Revenue generated from the subscriptions created by customers who created their first subscription within the month. This value includes discounts, and is minus shipping and tax.

Months Since First Subscription Order: 0 indicates the month in which the customers' first subscription was created. 1 indicates the first month since the customer’s first subscription was created, etc.

New Revenue: Total order-level revenue for the cohort minus shipping and tax, as recorded during each month since the first subscription order.

Revenue Retention: New Revenue / Revenue minus shipping and tax as recorded for the cohort at 1 month since first subscription order.

Revenue Per Subscriber: New Revenue / Subscribers within the cohort.

Cumulative Revenue: Total order-level revenue for the monthly cohort, minus shipping and tax as recorded up to the end of each month since the first subscription order.

Revenue Growth Rate: Cumulative Revenue / Cumulative Revenue at 1 mont since the first subscription order.

LTV: Cumulative Revenue / Subscribers within the cohort.

New Orders: Total order count as recorded during each month since the first subscription order for the cohort.

Order Retention: New Orders / New Orders for the cohort at month 1 since first subscription order.

Orders Per Subscriber: New Orders / Subscribers within the cohort at 1 month since first subscription order.

Cumulative Orders: Total order count as recorded for the cohort up to the end of each month since the first subscription order.

Order Growth Rate: Cumulative Orders for the cohort / Cumulative Orders for the cohort at 1 month since first subscription order.

LTO: Cumulative Orders / Subscribers within the cohort with orders at 1 month since first subscription order.

Subscribers with Orders: Total subscriber count of the cohort for those who placed an order as recorded during each month since the first subscription order.

Subscriber Retention: Subscribers within the cohort with orders / Subscribers within the cohort with orders at 1 month since the first subscription order.

Subscriptions per Subscriber: Subscriptions with Orders within the cohort / Subscribers within the cohort with orders at 1 month since first subscription order.

Revenue and Order Retention

Use this graph to gauge the Subscribers and Subscription performance in terms of revenue, and per cohort. For example. this graph displays the amount of revenue that the group of new subscriptions started in X month are still generating to date.

Month: Month in which the subscription was started.

New Subscriptions: Count of subscriptions with a created date in X month.

Subscribers Retained: Count of subscribers that still have active subscriptions from the group of new subscriptions created in X month.

Subscriptions Retained: Count of subscriptions that are still active from the group of new subscriptions created in X month.

Revenue Retained: Amount of money generated in the current month, coming from the group of new subscriptions created in X month

Churn by Order

Use this graph to determine churn risk by order cadence.

Order Cycle: The number of orders the subscription has on the Stay platform.

Upcoming Orders: The number of active subscriptions who should receive this order cycle on their next order.

Orders Placed: The number of subscriptions that have placed at least this many orders on Stay.

Total Churned: The number of subscriptions who cancelled after this order cycle.

Churn Risk: The risk of subscriptions churning after this order cycle.

Churn Risk Difference: The risk of subscriptions churning after this order cycle, comparatively to the previous order cycle.

Expected Orders Until Churn: The expected number of new orders until subscriptions on this order cycle churn.

New & Churned

New Subscriptions: Emails of subscribers who started subscriptions on the selected date, and who’s status at the end of the day is still Active.

Churned Subscriptions: Emails of subscribers who canceled subscriptions on the selected date, and who’s status at the end of the day is still Canceled.

You will also see the number of subscriptions that are New and Churned for that day, as well as a comparison rate against yesterday’s New and Churned subscriptions.

Churn Reporting

Subscription Save Rate: Percentage of subscribers that went through the Retention Engine cancellation flow, and did not cancel.

Estimated MRR Saved: The monthly recurring revenue saved from the subscribers that went through the Retention Engine cancellation flow, and did not cancel.

Same Day Cancellation: The number of subscriptions that were created and canceled within the same 24 hour period.

Exit Survey Performance: Number of Subscribers that went through the cancellation flow and selected that cancel reason. Hover over the bars to see the number of customers that both cancelled or were retained with that cancel reason.

SKU-Based Churn: Displays the number of subscribers for each SKU that went through the cancellation flow and selected that cancel reason. Hover over the bars to see the number of customers with this SKU who selected that cancel reason.

Outcome Breakdown: Displays the cancel reason mapped to the Retention Engine treatment. Hover over the bars to see the number of treatments accepted with each cancel reason.

Overall Cohort Performance

Cohort Month: The month where the data set shares a commonality.

New Subscribers: Customers who have created their first subscription within the allocated time period.

LTV: Cumulative Revenue / Subscribers within the cohort

LTO: Cumulative Orders / Subscribers within the cohort with orders at 1 month since first subscription order.

Cumulative Revenue: Total order-level revenue for the monthly cohort, minus shipping and tax as recorded up to the end of each month since the first subscription order.

Cumulative Orders: Total order count as recorded for the cohort up to the end of each month since the first subscription order.

Forecasting Per Order

This graph displays the expected upcoming orders based on the upcoming month.

1st Recurring Order: The expected orders to fire in X month that are customers' first recurring order.

2nd Recurring Order: The expected orders to fire in X month that are customers' second recurring order.

3rd Recurring Order and Up: The expected orders to fire in X month that are customers' third or more recurring order.

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